Everything you need to make great fingernails.
Our kit contains enough nails and material to create about 80 fingernails.
We include 60 (3 packages of 20) of our 2-A pre-formed nails in 3 sizes. (Which can be trimmed to fit if needed).
Our 2-A clear nail is a very durable, great sounding nail, that's very easy to use. We also include a strip of our Instant Nail ll nails.
Also in our kit is our 4 way nail file, our fingernail Glue, self adhering silk wrap, micro-pipettes, 4 1/2" X 5 1/2" 1500 grit sandpaper, and 1 manicure stick.
All of the nails in our kit can be trimmed to fit for length and width, and customized in just a few seconds.
The individual items in our kit are also available seperately, and can be found in our products catalog.